by tantoniou
Sustainability, climate-change mitigation, adaptation, and resilience have become priorities for countries striving to meet their Paris Agreement commitments. These priorities impact planning, design, and operational decisions for new transportation assets, and transform the procurement and delivery of road infrastructure PPPs, adding a new set of considerations to the structuring phase. In line with global and national climate frameworks and policies, sustainable road infrastructure PPPs should support decarbonization of the transport sector by: promoting greener transportation modes; exhaust opportunities for energy/material conservation during construction and operation; incorporating design elements that create asset climate resilience; taking into consideration social inclusion aspects; and guaranteeing the safety of their users and the resilience of the communities they serve. This toolkit aims to address these precise challenges by assisting government agencies in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) to embed a climate lens and approach in the pre-feasibility phase of road infrastructure public-private partnership (PPP) projects. The toolkit complements the World Bank Group’s Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs (CTIP3) by specifying tools, methodologies and practices that best align with the needs, circumstances, the state-of-practice of the transportation investments.