Development of sector-specific toolkits to complement the umbrella guidance document ‘Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs’ of the World Bank Group’s. The toolkits can be used as self-standing documents targeting five project categories: Roads, Hydropower, Water and Sanitation, Renewables (solar and wind projects) and Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The toolkits are aimed to assist the prefeasibility assessments of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in emerging markets in the following areas: project alignment with global climate frameworks and the national climate agenda, preliminary identification of climate-risks, high-level adaptation planning, appraisal of climate actions and their implications on the project’s economics and financing, climate-related key performance indicators (KPIs) for the specific project category. The documents contain step-by-step guidance in the form of user-friendly tools aided by sector-specific look-up libraries, examples and case-studies and handy reporting tables. On a parallel component of the project, our team was requested to support the Word Bank Group in a series of outreaching events. Our engagement involved the production of training material for government agencies and the delivery of relevant courses to representatives of Client Governments.
- Hydropower sector toolkit: Download the official PDF
- Renewables (solar & wind) sector toolkit: Download the official PDF
- Water production and treatment sector toolkit: Download the official PDF
- Road sector toolkit: Download the official PDF
- Information and communications technology sector toolkit: Download the official PDF