Climate-proofing is a process that integrates climate change mitigation and adaptation measures when planning, developing, executing and monitoring infrastructure projects. This way, institutional and private investors will be able to make informed decisions on projects aligning with the Paris Agreement and country-specific climate objectives.

Climate-proofing stipulates that the operation, maintenance and final decommissioning of any project should be carried out in a climate-neutral way, including circular economy considerations, such as the recycling or repurposing of materials. Moreover, the  climate resilience of new infrastructure projects should be ensured through adequate adaptation measures.

Climate-proofing is currently described in general policy documents, outlining the key principles for achieving compliance. Less guidance is until today available on a sector-specific level.

Our expertise

We have worked with DFIs on the preparation of sector-specific toolkits that are meant to assist Governments and their advisors identifying  climate-entry points through the preliminary stage  of planning a new infrastructure. We have also conducted several training sessions with DFI advisors and Government officials to integrate climate considerations while screening and planning infrastructure  investments

What we offer

  • We can create a framework for mainstreaming climate entry points into project investment decisions

  • We can provide a sector-specific framework for a preliminary screening of climate threats and their potential impacts

  • We can offer a methodological framework and tools for assessing the carbon footprint of your infrastructure

  • We can help you identify project –specific climate mitigation measures to reduce that footprint

  • We can propose a decision-making framework for appraising climate mitigation/adaptation strategies and their co-benefits

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