In a time where severe weather events and natural hazards are increasing in frequency and intensity driving global insured catastrophes in record high values, the insurance sector is more than ever in need of reliable PML studies to determine the risk exposure of critical infrastructure against such extremes.
Our expertise
Our team can demonstrate a vast experience in PML studies across industries, sectors and geographies. Our PML studies can help project owners and infrastructure operators rationalize their insurance coverage based on actual loss estimates, budget emergency response resources, and prioritize rehabilitation actions towards vulnerable and high-impact components.
When conducting PML studies it is essential to gain a good understanding of the infrastructure system with its specific attributes. Our asset and risk experts will retrieve design drawings, as-build plans, workflows, maintenance logs and incident-reports, in order to create a digital representation of the physical system that encapsulates engineering, operational and cost data.
We then employ state-of-the-art catastrophe modelling integrating regional-hazard models, with asset-specific vulnerability models and BI simulations (for internal and external risks) to estimate losses for any given natural threat.
What we offer
Relevant projects
Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
An Interactive Digital Tool for the Appraisal & Planning of Interventions to Enhance the Resilience of Transport Networks
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Climate Frameworks
Road Transportation
Sector Guidance on Climate Resilience Proofing
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Climate Frameworks
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Unlocking Private Sector Participation in Transport Resilience Funding and Financing
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Foundations and Geotechnical Design
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Resilience and Disaster Risk Assessment of Olympia Odos Highway PPP project
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Financial Services
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Djibouti Regional Economic Corridor
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Climate Frameworks
Energy & Renewables
Information & Communication Technology
Road Transportation
Development of sector-specific ToRs for Climate Assessment in PPP advisory
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Climate Frameworks
Financial Services
Building Coastal Resilience with Private Sector Participation in the Western Africa Coastal Areas program
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Disaster Preparedness
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Transportation Resilience Investment Planning Tool
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Disaster Preparedness
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Investments Planning for Optimizing Functional Recovery of Lifelines Subjected to Flood Hazard
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Resilience Investments
Road Transportation
Decision Support Tool for Optimizing Investments to Enhance Seismic Resilience of Transport Networks
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Financial Services
Development of resilience-linked parametric insurance coverage for infrastructure concessions against multiple hazards
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Climate-aware Resilience for Sustainable Critical and Interdependent Transport, Energy, Systems, Lifelines and Assets
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Energy & Renewables
Probable Maximum Loss of an industrial plant in case of an earthquake
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Road Transportation
Probable maximum loss assessment for Attiki Odos highway
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Road Transportation
Enhancing climate resilience in urban mobility in Matola
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Road Transportation
Decision Support System for Increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Road Transportation
Development of a Support Platform for Engineering Decisions: Application to Highways
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Energy & Renewables
Physical Risk Assessment for Protergia Plant
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Design and implementation of a parametric insurance cover to mitigate earthquake risk of infrastructure systems