The momentum to build a better future and green recovery has never been stronger. Governments are more than ever committed to create new solutions and pathways to meet Paris Agreement goals on climate change. So, what’s the challenge? To translate obscure climate goals and pledges into a punch list of specific action items that will assist the upstream advisory and structuring of projects in a sustainable and climate-sensitive manner.

Our expertise

Having established an ongoing collaboration with DFIs, we can claim to have a unique head start in the subject and a valuable standpoint of climate investment priorities

What we offer

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  • Climate Frameworks
    Disaster Preparedness
    Energy & Renewables
    Road Transportation


  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Climate Frameworks
    Road Transportation

    Sector Guidance on Climate Resilience Proofing

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Climate Frameworks
    Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Unlocking Private Sector Participation in Transport Resilience Funding and Financing

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Climate Frameworks
    Energy & Renewables
    Information & Communication Technology
    Road Transportation

    Development of sector-specific ToRs for Climate Assessment in PPP advisory

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Climate Frameworks
    Financial Services

    Building Coastal Resilience with Private Sector Participation in the Western Africa Coastal Areas program

  • Climate Frameworks

    Guidance Note: Disaster and climate resilient transport

  • Climate Frameworks

    JASPERS – Support for the development of practical sectoral guidance on climate resilience proofing

  • Climate Frameworks
    Energy & Renewables
    Information & Communication Technology
    Road Transportation

    Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs

  • Climate Frameworks

    International Conference on Natural Hazards & Infrastructure

  • Climate Frameworks
    Energy & Renewables
    Information & Communication Technology
    Road Transportation

    USP II – Alternative Approaches for more Competition in Unsolicited Proposals

  • Climate Frameworks
    Road Transportation

    Next-generation eco-friendly VSoL Mechanically Stabilized Walls

  • Climate Frameworks
    Information & Communication Technology
    Road Transportation

    ReCharged: Climate Aware Resilience for Sustainable Critical and Interdependent Infrastructure Systems Enhanced by Emerging Digital Technologies

  • Climate Frameworks
    Energy & Renewables
    Information & Communication Technology
    Road Transportation

    Sector-Specific Climate Toolkits for Infrastructure PPPs