Sustainability and resilience are the new imperatives for the design of retaining structures. Conventional massive wall structures are abandoned in favor of greener earthworks, that are more respectful of the environment, use eco-friendly materials and apply socially acceptable practices. But what about longevity and safety? Can we guarantee reduced carbon footprint without compromising operational and life-safety targets?

Our expertise

Our team knows what it takes to endow green attributes into geo-structures. Over the last decade we have been working along three parallel streams:

  1. Exploring the use of local soils or recycled demolition material as a backfill for common retaining structures
  2. Optimizing the design of mechanically stabilized walls as a means to reduce their carbon footprint
  3. Exploiting green soil reinforcement concepts as an alternative to conventional steel grids.

Empowered by our deep understanding of vulnerabilities, we use highly technical performance-based methodologies to assess the damage potential and resilience of any type of retaining or underground structure to exceptional climatic stressors and geohazards.

What we offer

  • Geotechnical design of retaining walls and Life Cycle Assessment of the design

  • Seismic/dynamic analysis of retaining walls and tunnels

  • Pull-out experiments on soil-grid reinforcements

  • Design against surface faulting

Relevant projects

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  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Resilience Investments
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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design

    Slope Stabilization at the vicinity of waste-treatment facility in Lesvos

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

    Aktion-Amvrakia highway:
    Bored Pile Retaining Wall to stabilize excavation cut

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

    Long-term Stability Analysis of a remediated Open Cut at Derveni Area

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Energy & Renewables

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

    Consolidation of thawing permafrost embankments

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design

    Hassyan project: Preliminary seismic design of the temporary cofferdam

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

    Elefsina-Corinth-Patras-Pyrgos-Tsakona new highway

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design

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  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Road Transportation

    Promoting the Use of Resilient Retaining Systems

  • Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Energy & Renewables

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