With climate impacts growing, insurance companies are facing unprecedented challenges. Natural disasters are becoming more expensive, not only because climate change is intensifying them, but also because the number of assets sitting on potentially risky areas is growing. To respond to increased claims, traditional indemnity is becoming more expensive to purchase (raising premiums and deductibles in record-high values), the list of uninsurable risks is expanding, and the availability of risk transfer options for expensive projects (i.e., high risk concentrated on a single location) is declining.
Our expertise
Despite the challenges, it is our core belief that risk-transfer mechanisms can become a true pillar for climate resilience. Insurance (of any type) protects investors, organizations and countries against the threats of severe weather and climate exposure and provides capital buffering to support climate adaptation and resilience. Moreover, parametric insurance and weather-derivatives can be used to cover Business Interruption and reduction of demand, protecting infrastructure from the impacts of more-frequent weather-related events that traditional indemnity does not cover. As climate change drives more interest in mitigating and hedging risk exposure, insurance-linked products are mainstreamed into the market, offering uncorrelated returns to institutional investors.
Our team has been supporting insurance services for more than 10 years. We run sophisticated catastrophe models to provide PML estimates for setting insurance premiums and apply probabilistic frameworks for assessing losses from more frequent threats, that insurance companies may use for their deductible estimates.
What we offer
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Decision Support System for Increasing the Resilience of Transportation Infrastructure
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Development of a Support Platform for Engineering Decisions: Application to Highways
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
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Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
Design and implementation of a parametric insurance cover to mitigate earthquake risk of infrastructure systems