As investing in green and climate-resilient infrastructure is becoming ever more relevant across stakeholder agendas, the level of financial flows from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors to sustainable development priorities is changing fast. Project development is sometimes entering uncharted territories, flourished with new financing opportunities and burgeoning requirements set by global principles and taxonomies. Our team can help clients navigate this complex landscape and make the right financial decisions for their project.

Our expertise

Every investment in climate contends with constantly competing priorities. No matter how strong the momentum for climate action is, over-investing in climate comes at a cost that could threaten the overall attractiveness and viability of a project.

That’s where we come in. Often embedded into the strategy sprints or feasibility studies, we analyze the project structure to advise our clients how to connect the different pieces of the puzzle and make a viable business case. We are motivated to remove barriers in climate finance and help our clients benefit from green financing by ensuring adherence to institutional requirements. We are inspired by the idea of cultivating flexibility into the financial structure of the project and prepare novel financing schemes for coping with unpredictable events and circumstances. We understand that proving compliance of a project/investment to key performance metrics is critical for tapping into additional liquidity pools. That’s why our risk and financing experts work with measurement in mind, to help clients achieve the optimal solution for their climate objectives and efforts.

What we offer

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  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    An Interactive Digital Tool for the Appraisal & Planning of Interventions to Enhance the Resilience of Transport Networks

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Climate Frameworks
    Resilience Investments
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    Unlocking Private Sector Participation in Transport Resilience Funding and Financing

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Foundations and Geotechnical Design
    Resilience Investments
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    Resilience and Disaster Risk Assessment of Olympia Odos Highway PPP project

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Financial Services
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    Djibouti Regional Economic Corridor

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Disaster Preparedness
    Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Transportation Resilience Investment Planning Tool

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Disaster Preparedness
    Resilience Investments
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    Investments Planning for Optimizing Functional Recovery of Lifelines Subjected to Flood Hazard

  • Climate and Natural Disasters Risk
    Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Decision Support Tool for Optimizing Investments to Enhance Seismic Resilience of Transport Networks

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Transport network planning and analysis decision-support tool for South Asia

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Regional Decarbonization and Resilience Assessment of Rural Logistics and Accessibility in the Sahel

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    INFRARRED: A tool for the optimization of decisions to enhance the resilience of infrastructure systems to Climate Hazards and Natural Disasters 

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Development of a resilient performance investing planning tool

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Disaster Risk Assessment and Optimization of Climate Resilience for Olympia Odos Motorway

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Appraisal of Climate Considerations on the Technical Feasibility, Commercial Feasibility and Bankability of the Maputo Metropolitan Area Urban Mobility Project (MMAUMP) in Mozambique

  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

    Framework for Infrastructure Resilience and Post-Hazard Response for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)