The primary challenge for achieving climate resilience is our ability to make investment decisions that equally account for the needs of the future and the constraints of the present. Our experts can help.

Our expertise

The challenges are way too many and complex. The world currently faces a significant shortage of infrastructure funding. Governments alone cannot cater for the demands of resilient infrastructure, while decision makers may be reluctant to spend in expensive adaptation works to secure an uncertain benefit in the future.

We’re driven to deliver solutions that can help bridge the resilience investment gap. We apply a distinct suite of services to make investment decisions profitable and sustainable. Our unique offering combines loss modelling and advanced analytics to screen myriad of scenarios and possibilities and propose investment strategies that secure protection against extreme threats at a minimum budget or maximize their . When resources are limited, we can help decision makers channel scarcely allocated funds towards the directions that optimize resilience objectives.

What we offer

  • We use genetic algorithms to optimize rehabilitation spending in resource-constrained environments.

  • We can help our Clients prioritize adaptation works to ensure optimal post-event functionality of an infrastructure system.

  • We can help our Clients maximize resilience benefits for a constraint budget.

  • We communicate the resilience benefits that apply to different rehabilitation budgets and help our Clients make well-informed risk-management decisions.

  • We can apply scenario-discovery algorithms to screen the performance of alternative investment strategies to myriads of scenarios and possibilities and identify conditions of non-performance (i.e., the performance is below a predefined threshold).

  • We can help our clients rationalize spending and avoid overleverage in climate adaptation and resilience works.

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    Road Transportation

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  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

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  • Resilience Investments
    Road Transportation

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